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Dsyfunctional Muscles Simulator & related products

1st Demo: 3D Anatomy showing muscle origin, insertion & function.

2nd Demo: Replacing cadavers using Augmented Reality anatomy.

3rd Demo: Functional & dysfunctional muscles actions simulation - core product.

4th Demo: 3D assessment animations for physiotherapists.

5th Demo: AI & openCV to detect the patient body range of motion.

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3D Anatomy system for students

3D model with 16 layer showing all body muscles with it core functionality.

View the 3D model from different views at the same time!

Highlight the muscle origin & insersion.

Account for each student to save notes.

anatomy in AR mode -> background

AR Augmented Reality 3D Anatomy

Views muscles information by clickong with your hand on a virtual image!!

Future of replacing cadavers in medical schools.

AR Augmented reality anatomy
muscle actions -> background

Core Product

Dysfunctional Muscles Simulator

When medical doctors & PT examine a patient, they cannot tell which nerve or muscle that is dysfunctional. Existing software are not accurate and very complex to use.

There are fundamentals muscle actions for each joint such as: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internation rotation & external rotation.

For those actions, we simulate the normal behavior which is full range of motion

We also simulate those muscle actions when muscles are dysfunctional. Thus, generating partial range of motion

We used truth table algorithm as it provides a fast simulation. Also it adds a layer of security to the program

We read lots of papers in order to understand the effect of each musles on the range of motion in order to come up with 80% accurate algorithm

dysfunctional muscles simulator

3D Assessment Animations for Physiotherapists PT

There 1000s of assessment tests for PTs which is hard to remember.

For each test there is specificity and sensivisity which determines how the false positivei percentage of the test and that is impossible to remember

In the program we divided the tests into joint categories and attached the specificity and sensivisity for each test

3D animation was developed for each assessment test

physiotherapist assessment tests 3d animation videos

Measuring Joints Range of Motion using AI & Computer Vision openCV Depth Camera ToF

A luxurious service will incorporate self-assessment range of motion tests in order to speed up the process and impress patients with technology.

Patient will follow the animation provided by the program and the AI will measure the range of motion of the joint.

AI & ML & OpenCV range of motion joints

Demo from the AI product

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