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Cammedar: AI Speech Recognition for Medical Documentation

There are two types of medical documentation software:

A) Program with many pre-written options to choose from.

B) Program with speech dictation.

We have combined between both options to avoid their cons and bring an exclusive advantage.

Now, as a doctor, you will never waste your time reading on screen to select options or dictating a program and then review if it is correct or not!

See something in your patient, just say it in a mic right away!

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About cammedar

CammiHistory: App for the patient to enter their medical history

Instead of patient just staying in the waiting area, they can fill their medical information digitally

Doctor can access filled data by patient instead of typing the medical history while listening to patient

Tablet can be used with patients to provide luxurious service

History app, patient select from existing image choices only

Medical information consists of images with 2-3 words description.

Patient click on the image that corresponds to the complain from viewed choices only

No typing!! That is 33% of the visit time

History app, patient select from existing image choices only
History app, patient select from existing image choices only
Download History app!

CammiHealth: AI speech recognition assessment program for the doctor

Problem with existing programs is that the taking medical information is tricky because there are 1000s of options.

It is hard for the doctors eye to track many options on the screen.

Another problem is dictating the software after the patient has left. So doctors tend to forget important infromation because they are always busy!

Mixing between both options, helps in avoiding the problems that can occur. That is why we created Cammedar.

History app, patient select from existing image choices only
History app, patient select from existing image choices only

CammiHealth: Never forget any treatment plan!

physiotherapist assessment tests 3d animation videos

CammiHealth: Your voice = PDF report!

physiotherapist assessment tests 3d animation videos

CammiHealth: International payment, referral & case studie

World wide doctor registration using phone number & SMS OTP

Subscription payments using paypal and google play

Add-on packages payments for existing paying users

Referral code gifts the existing user & the new paying user

Share patient case with colleagues easily for case feedback

physiotherapist assessment tests 3d animation videos

CammiHealth: Metrics

Track app installs, desktop installs, intent of payment and subscription payment using google analytics and facebook sdk

Use mixpanel to analyze usage bottle neck and understand most used sections

physiotherapist assessment tests 3d animation videos
Download Assessment Doctor app!

Future work:

CammiExercises - CammiTreat: Treatment plans at patient comfort

In case of medicine, patients tend to forget their pills. So the system can remind them.

In case of physiotherapy, patients tend to forget how to do an exercise correctly. If they do not do it well, they will never have any treatment progress.

The program has videos for all treatment exercises and show the patient how to do the assigned exercises. Also, it reminds the patient to do them.

Treatment & exercises
Treatment & exercises

ML, Medical Statistics & Recommendations

One of the core benefits is to get feedback on your work

Doctors will be able to analyze the patients they have seen across time and note the pattern

Also, they will be able to compare their charts against all doctors in the network.

Using the system, they can publish research papers with the unnoticable and untracked progress in treatment plans

physiotherapist assessment tests 3d animation videos
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